* Drink plenty of water the day you receive massage, especially deeper work. This flushes out toxins that surface during massage. Otherwise, these toxins may produce soreness in a day or two
* Self Care: stretching; de-stressing and meditation; using proper body mechanics while driving, sitting, standing, sleeping, & playing sports; self massage using a tennis ball, golf ball, or foam roll
* A hot bath, heat pad, sauna, hot tub, or steam room are more great ways to relax and ease the muscles in between massage sessions
* Relaxing is recommended for 24-48 hours after Ashi. Muscles remain in a super relaxed state for this period and will be more susceptible to injury. If extreme twisting, heavy lifting, or vigorous activity are unavoidable, wearing a brace is advised
* Caution with alcohol consumption. For 24-48 hours after Ashi it's possible for alcohol to have a an increased effect
* Consuming caffeine 1 hour after your session may recreate tension, especially on the backside of the body